Why Sugalight is the Healthier Choice for You

Health problems from excessive sugar intake

Obesity and type-II diabetes rates are expected to skyrocket worldwide. In Singapore, over 1 in 10 adults are diabetic, and this number is projected to rise significantly. The main causes include a diet high in simple sugars and carbs, along with insufficient physical activity.

Sugalight offers a healthier ice cream option. Our products proudly feature the HPB ‘Healthier Choice’ logo.

Sugar-free with low Glycemic Index (GI)

Sugalight ice creams are irresistibly delicious, even without the use of traditional sugars like sucrose, glucose, or fructose. We sweeten our ice cream with natural sweeteners, specifically Xylitol and Maltitol, which have significantly lower glycemic indices. Both Xylitol and Maltitol are HPB-approved sweeteners that won’t contribute to tooth decay.

Sugalight – Low GI rating, Backed by Research

We stand out as one of the few ice creams backed by a verified low glycemic index (GI). Research conducted at Temasek Poly’s Glycemic Index Research Unit (GIRU) shows that Sugalight Fresh Milk Vanilla boasts a GI of 16, while Sugalight Milk Chocolate has a GI of 18.
The Glycemic Index (GI) measures how quickly carbohydrates in food raise blood sugar levels compared to pure glucose, which has a GI of 100. Foods with a low GI (<55) are digested and absorbed more slowly, resulting in a gradual rise in blood sugar levels and providing sustained energy. On the other hand, foods with a high GI (>70) cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels.

No Artificial Sweeteners Used

Our ice creams do not contain any artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (Equal), sucralose (Splenda), acesulfame-K, or saccharine. We prioritize natural sweetness and taste without compromising your health.

Promoting Optimal Gut Health with Prebiotics

Sugalight ice creams are a rich source of prebiotic soluble fibers, which play a vital role in nurturing and supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

Harnessing the Power of Coconut and Olive Oils

Sugalight ice creams are made using a proprietary blend of Coconut and Olive Oils. Coconut oil, abundant in MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), can aid in fat-burning processes. On the other hand, Olive oil has been recognized for its cardiovascular protective properties. Enjoy the goodness of these naturally occurring oils in every bite.

No Seed Oils Used

Seed oils like canola, corn, peanut, rice bran, soybean, and sunflower are often highly processed, cheap, and packed with omega-6 fatty acids. Excessive omega-6 intake has been linked to increased inflammation, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Sugalight ice creams, by design, avoids seed oils. Instead, it relies on naturally found milk fat, coconut and olive oil.


The Vision Behind Sugalight Ice Cream

Elgin is the founder of Sugalight Ice Cream, a brand dedicated to creating delicious, diabetic-friendly desserts. His journey began with a deeply personal motivation: his father, a long-time diabetic with a love for sweet treats, could never freely indulge in his favorite desserts due to health concerns. Witnessing this struggle inspired Elgin to develop a solution that would allow diabetics and health-conscious individuals to enjoy sweets without guilt.

With a background in Electrical Engineering and Finance, Elgin combined his analytical mindset and entrepreneurial spirit to formulate Sugalight Ice Cream from scratch. He meticulously crafted a product that is low in sugar, low in calories, and suitable for diabetics, without compromising on taste. Sugalight has earned the endorsement of the Health Promotion Board (HPB Healthier Choice), making it available in school canteens across Singapore.

Today, Sugalight Ice Cream is stocked in NTUC Finest, RedMart, and Shopee, bringing joy to countless individuals who can now savor sweet treats without worry. Elgin’s story is a testament to how passion, innovation, and a desire to make a difference can transform a simple idea into a life-changing product.

Sugalight Ice Cream

A freshly-made premium treat